How Flexible Partial Dentures Can Improve Your Smile

Looking for information on flexible partial dentures because you are missing multiple teeth? When you are missing multiple teeth, it not only negatively affects your overall oral health, it also negatively affects your ability to smile with confidence. Missing teeth means that the remaining teeth in your mouth are now jeopardized for two reasons. The first reason is because the remaining teeth will eventually begin to move out of their correct position, causing your teeth to become crooked. The second reason is because the jawbone around the missing teeth area is no longer being stimulated.

Why choose flexible partial dentures?

While there are many different types of denture choices available nowadays, there are certain dentures made for certain situations. For those who are missing multiple teeth, know that partial dentures have been a popular option over the years. The fact that partial dentures include metal clasps has made it so that some patients are concerned about metal clasps showing in their mouth. Another reason regular partial dentures are rejected by patients is because they are allergic to metals and therefore are looking for a metal-free denture option. When flexible partial dentures are chosen, the patient can expect a metal-free denture option as well as a few additional benefits.

Flexible partial denture benefits

The following is a list of four benefits that come with choosing flexible partial dentures.

#1 – They are very natural-looking

Most patients nowadays are seeking their most natural-looking options when it comes to any dental work they may need to improve their overall oral health and how they look when they smile.

#2 – They are very comfortable to wear

Flexible partial dentures are custom-made for each patient, making for a comfortable fit. They are also light in weight, which means they will easily blend in with the rest of the teeth.

#3 – They are strong and durable

Flexible partial dentures are made to be both strong and durable, as they need to be able to hold up well every single day as people perform their everyday activities, like eating.

#4 – They are easy to care for

Taking care of flexible partial dentures requires similar cleaning to one’s natural teeth. It is important to rinse the dentures often in order to remove any food particles, and when they are not being worn, it is necessary to keep them hydrated in water or a special denture cleaner.

Have you decided on this denture?

After reading the above information, are flexible partial dentures the right choice for you? If you are missing multiple teeth and want to feel confident when you smile, understand that the sooner you make your tooth replacement choice, the better. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to correct any oral problems caused by your missing teeth. As soon as you are ready to improve your smile, know that all you have to do is give us a call.

Are you considering flexible partial dentures in the Delaware area? Get more information at

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